Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Technology in the Classroom

One idea I have for incorporating technology into a lesson would be to show a video clip at the beginning of or during a lesson to enhance whatever subject or topic is being taught. I think that video clips (digital storybooks, short educational videos, videos incorporating or illustrating whatever is being taught in the lesson, etc.) can often be a powerful tool for teaching children because they get very excited about watching them. Because of this, they will often pay close attention to the video clips and really learn from them. After watching the video clip, you can then guide the children's thinking to relate what they just saw to something that you are studying. Also, you could tell the children before they even watch the video clip what it is that you would like them to watch for in the clip.

1 comment:

  1. this is true - this would be a good idea if you can find the right clip.
