Monday, January 26, 2009

IPT 287 - Science Technology

My favorite science technology that we explored was the microscope. It was shocking to me that the microscope was only $80, and that made me very excited because it helped me to see that it really isn't such a huge financial burden to buy fun technology tools to supplement my teaching. I had a lot of fun looking at various things from outside under the microscope because it made me really excited about learning about the world around me. I think that this would be a great tool for me to use with my future students because it will help me to get them excited about science. Also, it would be very easy to do a lesson with the microscope like what we did in class because all we did was go outside and collect samples of whatever we could find. By allowing my students to go outside and pick up samples of things they would want to look at, this would be a great way to use their natural curiosity to learn more about their environment. Also, this would be a very inexpensive way to have a meaningful science lesson.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that many of these technologies are really quite inexpensive for the power that they can bring into the classroom.
